Medina Youth Wrestling
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Coming Soon.......
2008-09 Medina Youth Wrestling sign-ups.
Check back for the specific dates, time and locations.
The sign-ups will be toward the end of October.  Information will be available during MBYF practice in early October.


Determined – Unremitting – Never - ceasing

Congratulations to our varsity wrestlers! 
Congratulations All Stars on a GREAT season!!
Don't forget to check "NEW STUFF" for updated practice times and banquet information and "TOURNAMENT INFO" for meet results!! 

Last updated 9/24/08.

A HUGE Thank You to our sponsor,
for keeping us covered...  :o)

Our Mission Statement:

We will provide all youth with the opportunity to reach personal goals, be a leader, practice sportsmanship and learn respect for self and others in the setting of youth wrestling.


Our Philosophy:

We strive for excellence in two areas: excellence in wrestling and excellence in character. Our goal is to give our student athletes the tools necessary for them to become the best wrestlers they can be. This will be achieved by teaching effective moves emphasizing proper technique, creating challenging workouts, maintaining a good wrestling environment and strongly emphasizing sportsmanship and positive moral character.

Contact us...

Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list.